Education, Work and Training Experience

- The independent studio / Nova Vizantija Company - From 2003 / 2006
Member of team "Atelier Jovan" in charge for conservation and restoration of furniture and other gilded objects made of wood - From 1995 to 2003.
- Apprenticeship in the field of conservation and restoration of furniture - From 1994 to 1995, Studio - Atelier Jovan, Belgrade; Mentor: Prof. Zvonko Petkovic, Docent of Academy of Applied Arts, Conservator for Furniture, Conservator for Metal Objects, Owner and Coordinator of Studio -Atelier Jovan
- Studies in the field of wood processing - From school year of 1992/93 - Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade; Has satisfied all Course requirements majoring in Wood Processing
- High school education - From school year of 1988/89 to 1991/92

Apprenticeship and Work Experience
Opportunity to follow already established techniques of conservation and restoration or to experiment and create new one. Interventions on objects finished with other materials, not only with gold leaves, such as silver, copper or some other metal or nonmetal materials in the form of leaves, powder, etc. Procedures of conservation and restoration of objects finished in combination of French polish, pigment, wax, etc. and gold or other metals. Opportunity of making new objects designed and finished upon characteristics of appropriate style.

Research Interests
To work on problems of conservation and restoration of furniture and other objects made of wood. Special interest is to research in the field of history of gilding materials and techniques and to examine possibilities of conservation and restoration methods and alternative gilding systems applicable on wood.


From the period - 1994 to these dais, built of photographs and restoration diary thesis of selected works, explaining used techniques and materials. Portfolio is presented in PowerPoint presentation format and it is available on request.

Cocurricular Activities
Course in English language - Kolarac National University, Belgrade
Course in Italian Language - Kolarac National University, Belgrade

Other Skills
Strong problem-solving, critical judgment, conceptualization, realization, organization and research skills; curious and enthusiastic; comfortable in unstructured or loosely structured academic environments where initiative, creativity and individual exploration and action are encouraged.

- Languages: Written and spoken competency in English. Some written and spoken ability in Italian and Russian.

- Computer experience:
Word Processing: Microsoft Word
Graphics: CorelDraw
Presentation processing: Microsoft PowerPoint ; Web: Adobe Dreamweaver

Professional Affiliations
The International institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC) (WWW.)
Associate member

Prof. Milan Nesic , Dean of the Faculty of Forestry
Prof. Zvonko Petkovic, Mentor